Manual - Adest Client Matching Module

Manual - Adest Client Matching Module




The Adest PO Matching module allows users to match and reconcile incoming supplier Invoices, GRNs, Credit Notes, Debit Notes and Returns data against Purchase Order data.

For example if a customer creates a purchase order with the following data:

Supplier Code


PO Number


Product Code

Units Ordered

Unit Price
















When a Purchase Order is created and approved by users in Adest, Adest stores this data in the receipting tables for matching. When goods are delivered or a supplier invoice comes in, the delivered and invoiced data can be automatically matched using server workflow activities and manually matched by users using Adest against the PO data. 

This allows customers to ensure they are being invoiced correctly, not receiving duplicate supplier invoices, report on outstanding invoices and deliveries and post invoice data for payment from Adest to their ERP system ect.

Some customers will match both GRN (delivery) and Supplier Invoice information against the corresponding Purchase Order data and others choose to just match Supplier Invoices against the PO data.

If importing GRN information i.e. receipting delivery information as goods are delivered Adest will decrease the ‘Units To Be Delivered’ and ‘Value To Be Delivered’ fields and increase the ‘Units Delivered’ and ‘Value Delivered’. Based upon the units and value delivered the ‘Units To Be Invoiced’ and ‘Value To Be Invoiced’ will be increased by these amounts and then reduced when invoices come in.

If there is not import of GRN information then the initial ‘Units To Be Invoiced’ and ‘Value To Be Invoiced’ values will be set to the units and value from the PO data and matched directly against this. As supplier invoices come in, Adest will decrease the ‘Units To Be Invoiced’ and ‘Value To Be Invoiced’ fields and increase the ‘Units Invoiced’ and ‘Value Invoiced’ for the corresponding PO. 

The header data is linked based upon the Supplier Code & PO Number and when using multiple companies the company name/number is taken into account.

When matching at line item level, the line item data is linked by a ‘unique’ product code or item code. This could also be ‘Product Code’ and ‘Units Ordered’ ect The link between the line item data is configurable but will always include at least the product code with the possibility of a combination of other fields.

Adest Server workflows will try to automatically match incoming documents but if there is a issue with the matching or data does not automatically match, users have the functionality to perform the document matching manually using the ‘Adest PO Matching’ module. 

Some reasons why the data may not automatically match are price differences from when the PO was created and the supplier invoices for the goods, there could be freight charges, discounts ect on the supplier invoice or the supplier may not use the same line item product code.

Matching can be performed at a header (criteria) or at line item level.

If matching at a header level this means that the customer is only initially indexing the Invoice with header data and if the header totals match the corresponding PO totals Adest server workflow activities will automatically copy the line data from the PO to the Invoice. If the header totals do not match a user requires the manual matching module to reconcile the data.

If matching at a line item level this means that the customer is indexing the Invoice with header and line item data and Adest server workflow activities will automatically check the line data against the corresponding PO to see if it matches. If the line items do not match a user requires the manual matching module to reconcile the data.

The PO header and line items information can come from a PO document created in Adest using the PO module or via a third party system. Adest server workflow activities handle inserting the information into the receipting tables.

A manual PO matching module allows customers to ‘match’ goods delivered, supplier invoices and credit notes against purchase order data. The purchase orders will be either created in Adest using the PO module or the data passed to Adest from a third party system.

Adest Matching Module

The manual matching module is made up of:

  • Matching toolbar options

  • Summary Section

  • PO Totals.
  • Criteria Header values.
  • User can collapse/expand the summary section.

  • PO receipting grid (purchase order information and values calculated based upon supplier grn and invoice information).

  • Match grid (GRN, invoice or credit note line items to match against PO receipting).

  • Viewer

  • Contains all the tabs that are available in retrieve module i.e. document list, tax table ect.
  • User can pin/unpin the viewer.

PO Matching Module Access Rights

Before a user can use the PO Matching module they must have access to the ‘Purchase Order Matching’ module in Adest. The system administration must provide access to the ‘Purchase Order Matching’ module via Adest Web Admin. The ‘Match’ button should only appear in the Retrieve module toolbar when users have been given access to the module.

Accessing PO Matching Module from the Retrieve Module

If a user has access to manual matching a ‘Match’ button will be available on the retrieve toolbar in the ‘Purchase Order’ tab group. If a user does not have access to the ‘Purchase Order Matching’ module then this button will not appear on the toolbar. This can only be made available via the Adest Web Admin application rights for that group/department.

Enabling/Disabling Match Button

The Match button is available based on certain rules configured for the system. The standard availability of the matching button is when the status of the invoice is currently Not Matched. However other rules can be defined in the AD_Definition_PurchaseOrder_EnableMatchRule table.

Loading PO Matching Module:

If a record is selected and the ‘Match’ button enabled when the user clicks the match button in the retrieve module the following checks occur:

Check the status of the PO record to match against

This is required to ensure that the PO data to match against hasn’t been closed, deleted, cancelled or is locked by another user.

If there is no records within the receipting tables to match the invoice the following message is displayed. This may occur if the invoice was processed by the workflow matching and receipting information existed at one time. If the receipting data has been cancelled or deleted and the invoice status not updated the following message will occur.

If the receipting data has been closed the following message is displayed. This may occur when a user has closed out the receipting data and no longer allowing invoices to be matched against the receipting data. 

If the receipting data has been marked as cancelled or deleted, the following message will occur. 

If any of the above scenarios occur then the matching module will not load and when the user clicks OK on the message box, the retrieve module with the search results will appear allowing the user to continue working.

If all the above checks are ok, the system will check if the invoice is already locked by another user. If another user is in the matching module for the same record the following message is displayed.

When the user clicks OK on the message box the user is returned to the retrieve module with the last search results retrieved to select an alternative record.

Matching Module Design/Layout

This section outlines the layout of the matching module. Each section is detailed below.


The toolbar contains a Purchase Order Matching Options tab with the following buttons and groups:

Action Group

The action group contains the following buttons:

  • Copy Line Items

Copies line items from the PO receipting to the Match grid. This button is enabled once there are records in your PO receipting grid.

  • Delete Line Items

This button is used to delete line items from the match grid. This is disabled by default and only enabled when a line item in the match grid is selected.  

  • Link Line Items

This button is used to Add a link between a selected PO receipting line item and a match line item. This can be used to manually link a receipting line and an invoice line. If two lines form the receipting and match grid is already linked then this option will remove the existing link. This button is disabled by default and only enabled when a line item in the match grid and a corresponding line item in the PO receipting grid are selected.

  • Add Document Variance

This button is used to add a document variance. Once there are line items in your PO Receipting and Match grid this button is enabled.

  • Add Line Item Variance

Similar to above this is used to load the variance dialog and adds a variance to the selected line item. Once there are line items in your PO Receipting and Match grid this button is enabled.

  • Add Line Price Variance

This button adds a price variance to the selected line item. This is disabled by default and only enabled when a line item in the match grid and a corresponding line item in the PO receipting grid are selected.

  • Add Rounding Variance

This button adds a rounding variance to the selected line item. This is disabled by default and only enabled when a line item in the match grid and a corresponding line item in the PO receipting grid are selected.

  • Delete Variance

This button is used to delete the selected variance. This is disabled by default and only enabled when a ‘variance’ line item is selected. 

  • Match

Saves the updated PO receipting and match information and updates the status to matched. By default the system is setup to not allow matching when the line items total does not equal the ‘Document Total’ in the summary section, then the ‘Match’ button on your toolbar is disabled. 

However the system can be configured to allow matching if the line items and document total do not match. In this case the match button will be available to select.

If there are no line items in your match grid then this button is disabled.

  • Match & Close Out PO

Saves the updated PO receipting and match information and closes out the PO. By default the system is setup to not allow matching when the line items total does not equal the ‘Document Total’ in the summary section, then the ‘Match’ button on your toolbar is disabled. 

However the system can be configured to allow matching if the line items and document total do not match. In this case the match button will be available to select.

If there are no line items in your match grid then this button is disabled.

  • Save

Saves the updated PO receipting and match information to allow for further match changes at a later stage.

  • Close Out PO

This button will Close out the PO. This can be used if there is going to be no further matching against this receipting data. This button is always enabled. 

  • Exit

Exits the PO matching module and returns to the retrieve module. This button is always enabled. 

QUB Group E.G. Matching Update Actions Group

The system can be configured to allow access to certain QUB buttons in the matching module.

Viewer Group

Launch button: Launches the invoice/credit note/grn in Adobe Reader.

Summary Section

The left hand side of the summary section displays:

Document Net: This is set to the record selected in the retrieve module i.e. the Invoice, Credit Note or GRN’s Net Total. 

Document Vat: This is set to the record selected in the retrieve module i.e. the Invoice, Credit Note or GRN’s Vat.

Document Items Net: This is set to the ‘sum’ of the match grid line item ‘Net’.

Document Items Vat: This is set to the ‘sum’ of the match grid line item ‘Vat.

PO Net: This is the net PO value.

PO Vat: This is the vat PO value and set to the vat value.

Delivered To Date: This is the net value that has been delivered by the supplier to date.

Outstanding To Be Delivered: This is the net outstanding value to be delivered.

Vat Delivered To Date: This is the vat value that has been delivered by the supplier to date.

Outstanding Vat To Be Delivered:  This is the outstanding vat value to be delivered.

Invoiced To Date: This is the net value that has been Invoiced by the supplier to date.

Outstanding To Be Invoiced: This is the net outstanding value to be delivered.

Vat Invoiced To Date: This is the vat value that has been delivered by the supplier to date.

Outstanding Vat To Be Invoiced: This is the outstanding vat value to be Invoiced.


  • Information from the PO Totals table. Information here will be updated as users work with the matching module.

The right hand side shows criteria fields from the selected record that was flagged to display in the matching module. These values are configurable, contact Adest support if changes are required.

PO Receipting Grid

The PO receipting grid displays all current line item records and fields from the PO receipting table for the PO associated with the selected invoice, credit note or grn.

Users cannot edit any information in this grid except for a check box added as the first column in the grid which allows users to select receipting records for copying.  

PO receipting grid values will be automatically updated when records are matched/linked to records in the match grid.

Match Grid

The match grid displays the selected invoice, credit note or grn’s line item records. This is an editable grid where users can edit current values, add new and delete records.


The image associated with the selected invoice, credit note or grn’s is displayed here. All viewer tabs that a user has access to in the retrieve module is loaded in viewer within the matching module. The user can pin/unpin the viewer.

PO Matching Module Functionality

Display Document Type, Supplier Code, PO Number

At the top of the summary section which is based upon the selected record, the document type, supplier code and PO number values is displayed in the format.

Display Criteria Values

  • When you select a record in the retrieve module and click the ‘Match’ button some of the criteria values are displayed in the summary section on the right of the summary window.

Get & Display Supplier PO Summary Values

  • Summary values from the PO totals currently within the system and the selected record from the retrieve module are displayed in the right of the summary section.

Labels and Values to Display:

  • Document Net

This is the Net total amount on the record selected. This value can be compared against the value shown on the invoice image to ensure it is correct.

  • Line Items Net

This is the sum of all line item values currently on the invoice. This value is updated in real time as line items are created in the invoice grid. This value must match the Document Total value to allow matching of the invoice. Both values will appear in blue once there is a match.

  • Document Vat

This is set to the record selected in the retrieve module i.e. the Invoice, Credit Note or GRN’s Vat.

  • Document Items Vat

This is set to the ‘sum’ of the match grid line item ‘Vat.

  • PO Net

This is the net PO value of all PO records within the receipting grid.

  • PO VAT

This is the VAT PO value of all PO records within the receipting grid.

  • Delivered To Date

This is the value that has been delivered by the supplier to date.

  • Outstanding To Be Delivered

This is the outstanding value to be delivered. If the outstanding value to be delivered is less than zero, the value will appear in red otherwise the value will show as blue.

  • Vat Delivered To Date

This is the vat value that has been delivered by the supplier to date.

  • Outstanding Vat To Be Delivered

This is the outstanding vat value to be delivered. If the outstanding value to be delivered is less than zero, the value will appear in red otherwise the value will show as blue.

  • Invoiced To Date

This is the value that has been invoiced by the supplier to date.

  • Outstanding To Be Invoiced

This is the outstanding value to be invoiced. If the outstanding value to be invoiced is less than zero the value will appear in red otherwise the value will show as blue.

  • Vat Invoiced To Date

This is the vat value that has been delivered by the supplier to date.

  • Outstanding Vat To Be Invoiced

This is the outstanding vat value to be invoiced. If the outstanding value to be invoiced is less than zero the value will appear in red otherwise the value will show as blue.

Receipting Grid

  • The receipting grid shows the records from the PO within the system based upon the Supplier Code, PO Number and Company Name/Code. The records displayed are restricted by these values, ensuring that only records for this PO number can be matched to the invoice.

Values which appear within the line item grid will appear for both the receipting and line item grids. Note that some column can be hidden within the matching module but appear on the results line item grid outside of the matching module.

  • Numeric columns without a value will appear as zero by default.

  • The following columns will only be visible whereby the document type of the record selected is Invoice, or Credit Note. If the document type of the document being matched is GRN or Returns then the following columns will be hidden in the receipting grid:

  • UnitsInvoiced
  • UnitsToBeInvoiced
  • ValueInvoiced
  • ValueToBeInvoiced

  • If the document type of the document being matched is Invoice, Credit Note or Debit Note then the following columns should be hidden in the receipting grid unless the receipted data used is GRN data in which case they are visible:

  • UnitsDelivered
  • UnitsToBeDelivered
  • ValueDelivered
  • ValueToBeDelivered

  • The values and rows in the receipting grid are never editable i.e. users cannot manually add, update, delete any records in the receipting grid. Values in the receipting grid will be updated automatically when changes are made to the match grid. The only column that is editable by a user is the ‘Comments’ column.

  • The check box is used as the first column in the grid which allows for the selection of receipting records. By default this is active which selected all line items. Unselect this option to allow for individual selection of line items.

Populate Match Grid

  • The match grid is an editable grid that allows to be populated with any existing line item records for the invoice, credit note or grn.

  • The column headers are labled the same as the records in the criteria results grid for line items. These columns can be reordered to the users preferences. Columns can also be pinned to the start of the grid which will be viewable while scrolling across the line item grid columns.

Fields are editable based on their type. If a field value is restricted to certain values then the dropdown option will appear to chose the selected value. 

  • If a line item field is associated with a lookup the lookup appears when the cursor has been selected into the field on the grid.

  • When you click the lookup button the lookup dialog associated with the line item is displayed. The results of the lookup is returned to the corresponding field(s) in the grid.

Existing Line Item Links Between the Match & Receipting Grids

  • If line items exist within the match grid i.e. your invoice, credit note or grn has line items, the system will check for any existing ‘matched’ po receipting and match grid (invoice, credit note, grn ect) line items. This is prevent any matching against previously matched line item records or line items which exist in the match grid due to the use of the save button from previous work.

Automatically Match Line Items

  • The system will automatically check if some or all of the line items on the match grid are already matched against PO receipting line items when the matching module loads.

For Example if Product Code on the receipting and matching grid is the same then this line item is linked to the receipting line item. This is to create the link between the line items to match against.

In the above you will see Product Code 102 matches up in the 2 grids.

  • If you have multiple PO receipting rows the match the one line item record e.g. multiple ‘Product Codes’ with 102 then the system compares the ‘Unit Price’ and if the document type you are matching is a ‘GRN’ or a ‘Returns’  then ‘Units To Be Delivered’ and if the unit price matches and the units to be delivered are greater than or equal to your match grid line items units then both lines is linked. If the document type you are matching is an ‘Invoice’, ‘Credit Note’ or a ‘Debit Note’ the ‘Units To Be Invoiced’ and if the unit price matches and the units to be invoiced are greater than or equal to the match grid line items units then both lines is linked.

  • The reason that fields with ‘MatchField’ set to true do not have to match exactly is because you could have ‘partial’ deliveries or invoices from suppliers. A customer might order 10 units of a product but these could be delivered and invoiced in groups of 5.

  • If the document type you are matching is a ‘GRN’ or a ‘Returns’ the system matches the ‘Units Ordered’ against the PO receipting ‘Units To Be Delivered’

  • If the document type you are matching is an ‘Invoice’, ‘Credit Note’ or a ‘Debit Note’ the system matches the ‘Units Ordered’ against the PO receipting ‘Units To Be Invoiced’

  • Once matched any fields on the receipting line which is required for posting, will automatically be copied to the invoice line item. This occurs in real time and only when both line item records from the corresponding grid matches.

  • The status on the receipting grid will update to matched once all units have been matched against.

  • Once a record has been matched the PO summary details are automatically adjusted based on the document type which is been matched.


  • If the document type you are matching is a ‘GRN’ the following will occur:

  • The PO receipting ‘Units To Be Delivered’ is decreased by the matched line items units.
  • The PO receipting ‘Units Delivered’ is increased by the matched line items units.
  • The PO receipting ‘Value To Be Delivered’ is decreased by the matched line items Net. 
  • The PO receipting ‘Value Delivered’ is increased by the matched line items Net. 
  • The PO receipting ‘VAT To Be Delivered’ is decreased by the matched line items VAT. 
  • The PO receipting ‘VAT Delivered’ is increased by the matched line items VAT.
  • The PO receipting ‘Units To Be Invoiced’ is increased by the matched line items units.
  • The PO receipting ‘Value To Be Invoiced’ is increased by the matched line items.
  • The PO receipting ‘VAT To Be Invoiced’ is increased by the matched line items.

  • If the document type you are matching is a ‘Returns’ the following will occur:

  • The PO receipting ‘Units To Be Delivered’ is increased by the matched line items units.
  • The PO receipting ‘Units Delivered’ is decreased by the matched line items units.
  • The PO receipting ‘Value To Be Delivered’ is increased by the matched line items Net.
  • The PO receipting ‘Value Delivered’ is decreased by the matched line items Net..
  • The PO receipting ‘VAT To Be Delivered’ is increased by the matched line items VAT.
  • The PO receipting ‘VAT Delivered’ is decreased by the matched line items VAT.
  • The PO receipting ‘Units To Be Invoiced’ is decreased by the matched line items units.
  • The PO receipting ‘Value To Be Invoiced’ is decreased by the matched line items Net.
  • The PO receipting ‘VAT To Be Invoiced’ is decreased by the matched line items VAT.


  • If the document type you are matching is an ‘Invoice’ the following will occur:

  • The PO receipting ‘Units To Be Invoiced’ is decreased by the matched line items units.
  • The PO receipting ‘Units Invoiced’ is increased by the matched line items units.
  • The PO receipting ‘Value To Be Invoiced’ is decreased by the matched line items Net.
  • The PO receipting ‘Value Invoiced’ is increased by the matched line items Net.
  • The PO receipting ‘VAT To Be Invoiced’ is decreased by the matched line items VAT.
  • The PO receipting ‘VAT Invoiced’ is increased by the matched line items VAT.

  • If the document type you are matching is a ‘Credit Note’ the following will occur:

  • The PO receipting ‘Units To Be Invoiced’ is increased by the matched line items units.
  • The PO receipting ‘Units Invoiced’ is decreased by the matched line items units.
  • The PO receipting ‘Value To Be Invoiced’ is increased by the matched line items Net.
  • The PO receipting ‘Value Invoiced’ is increased by the matched line items Net.
  • The PO receipting ‘VAT To Be Invoiced’ is increased by the matched line items VAT.
  • The PO receipting ‘VAT Invoiced’ is increased by the matched line items VAT.

  • If both the PO receipting row fields ‘UnitsToBeDelivered’ and ‘UnitsToBeInvoiced’ are 0 then the Status for the PO receipting row is set to ‘Matched’ otherwise is it set to ‘Not Matched’

Update Summary Totals

  • After any changes are made to the records in either the match or the PO receipting grids the summary totals are updated.

  • The summary information is updated when automatic matching takes place when the module is initially loaded and any time information is changed manually by a user in the matching module.

  • In the previous screen shot you will see that no line items have been matched in the ‘match’ grid and the PO receipting has 1 line item matched from an earlier invoice. This leaves the totals at:

Invoiced To Date  : 121.00

Outstanding To Be Invoiced  : 121:00

  • After linking Product Code 102 the line items for this Product Code are matched and as the document is an Invoice the summary totals are updated to:

Invoiced To Date  : 242.00

Outstanding To Be Invoiced  : 0.00

  • If the documents types you were matching was a GRN or a Returns the ‘Delivered To Date’ and ‘Outstanding To Be Delivered’ would be updated.

  • When matching an Invoice, Credit Note or Debit Note the ‘Invoiced To Date’ and ‘Outstanding To Be Invoiced’ are updated.

  • The Summary Totals are:

  • Delivered To Date – This should be the sum of the ‘Value Delivered’ PO Receipting column. 

  • Outstanding To Be Delivered – This should be the sum of the ‘Value To Be Delivered’ PO Receipting column. If this is less than 0 it is shown in red otherwise in blue.

  • Invoiced To Date – This should be the sum of the ‘Value Invoiced’ PO Receipting column.

  • Outstanding To Be Invoiced – This should be the sum of the ‘Value To Be Invoiced’ PO Receipting column. If this is less than 0 it is shown in red otherwise in blue.

  • Line Items Total - should be set to the sum of the match grids Net column

  • If no line items were returned for the match grid the Line Items Total should be set to 0.00 and be black. The ‘Match’ and ‘Match & Close Out PO’ buttons on your toolbar are disabled.

  • If the line items total does not equal the ‘Document Total’ then the text is shown in red and the ‘Match’ and ‘Match & Close Out PO’ buttons on your toolbar are disabled. 

  • If the ‘Line Items Total’ equals the ‘Document Total’ then text should be displayed in blue and the ‘Match’ and ‘Match & Close Out PO’ buttons on your toolbar should be enabled.

Copy Line Items

  • If records are indexed without line item data, receipting lines will require to be copied down onto the invoice when an invoice is automatically matched or manually when matching an invoice.


  • If an invoice is indexed a server workflow activity will check if the header data can be matched against the corresponding PO data. 

  • If it can be matched the server workflow will automatically copy the line item data from the PO to the Invoice and set the document status to ‘Matched’. 

  • If the document cannot be automatically matched then the user can manually copy line items from the PO to the invoice and to reconcile and match the data.

  • If an Invoice has no line items (and no other invoice has been matched against the PO data) when the PO matching loads the ‘Invoiced to Date’ will be the total of the ‘ValueInvoiced’ column and the ‘Outstanding to be Invoiced’ will be the total of the ‘ValueToBeInvoiced’ column.

  • When the module first loads all rows in the PO Receipting will be ‘selected’ i.e. the check box ticked as below.

  • When the user clicks the ‘Copy Line Items’ button: 

  • If the document type is GRN the system will only copy rows where the ‘Units To Be Delivered’ are greater than 0 i.e. if there are no available units to be delivered then the line item will not be copied. 

  • If the document type is Invoice then the system will only copy rows where the ‘Units To Be Invoiced’ are greater than 0 i.e. if there are no available units to be invoiced then the line will not be copied

  • The system will check if the receipting line has already been copied or linked.

  • All fields within the receipting grid which are selected is copied from the PO receipting line item to the match grid line item i.e. Product Code -> Product Code, Unit Price -> Unit Price ect

  • The match status on the match grid line item is set to Matched.

  • Set the match grids units ordered column i.e. the ‘Units’ 

  • If working with a GRN set the match grids line item ‘UnitsOrdered’ to the PO receipting’s line item ‘UnitsToBeDelivered’
  • If working with a RETURNS set the match grids line item ‘UnitsOrdered’ to the PO receipting’s line item ‘UnitsDelivered’
  • If working with an Invoice set the match grids line item ‘UnitsOrdered’ to the PO receipting’s line item ‘UnitsToBeInvoiced’
  • If working with a Credit Note or Debit Note set the match grids line item ‘UnitsOrdered’ to the PO receipting’s line item ‘UnitsDelivered’

  • The ‘Status’ for line items copied in the PO receipting and the Match grids is set to ‘Matched’ (if matching an invoice and the ‘Units To Be Invoiced = 0’ and if matching a GRN and the ‘Units To Be delivered = 0’ then the status of that PO receipting row is set to ‘Matched’).

  • Once you have copied your line items the ‘line items total’ in the summary is updated. This is set to the sum of the match grids ‘Net’ value.

  • If the line items total is not equal to the document total the ‘Match’ & ‘Match & Close Out PO’ is disabled.

  • Once the line items have been copied the summary section is updated.


  • GRN

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value To Be Delivered’ – decrease by value copied down

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value Delivered’ – increase by value copied down

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value To Be Invoiced’ – increase by value copied down

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units To Be Delivered’ – decrease by units copied down

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units Delivered’ – increase by units copied down

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units To Be Invoiced’ – increase by units copied down


PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value To Be Delivered’ – increase by value copied down

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value Delivered’ – decrease by value copied down

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value To Be Invoiced’ – decrease by value copied down

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units To Be Delivered’ – increase by units copied down

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units Delivered’ – decrease by units copied down

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units To Be Invoiced’ – decrease by units copied down


PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value To Be Invoiced’ – decrease by value copied down

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value Invoiced’ – increase by value copied down

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units To Be Invoiced’ – decrease by units copied down

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units Invoiced’ – increase by units copied down


PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value To Be Invoiced’ – increase by value copied down

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value Invoiced’ – decrease by value copied down

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units To Be Invoiced’ – increase by units copied down

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units Invoiced’ – decrease by units copied down

  • The summary values need to be updated based upon the changes to PO receipting

The ‘Delivered To Date’ should be updated to the sum of the ValueDelivered column.

The ‘Outstanding To Be Delivered’ should be updated to the sum of the ValueToBeDelivered column.

The ‘Invoiced To Date’ should be updated to the sum of the ValueInvoiced column.

The ‘Outstanding To Be Invoiced’ should be updated to the sum of the ValueToBeInvoiced column.

Delete Line Items

  • Users have the functionality to delete line items from the match grid. 
  • When a user selects a line item in the match grid the ‘Delete Line Items’ button is enabled.

  • If the user clicks the ‘Delete’ button and the selected line item is ‘matched’ with a PO receipting line item i.e. in your ‘MatchLinks’ object a confirmation message box is displayed:

  • If the user clicks the ‘Delete’ button and the selected line item is not ‘matched’ with a PO receipting line item a confirmation message box should be displayed:

  • If the user clicks yes to delete and the line item is not in the ‘MatchLinks’ object i.e. not linked to a PO receipting line item then remove the row from the match grid and recalculate the Line items Total for the summary panel.

  • If the user clicks yes to delete and the line item is in the ‘MatchLinks’ object i.e. linked to a PO receipting line item then you will need to:

  • Recalculate the corresponding PO receipting rows values
  • Recalculate the summary invoiced and/or delivered values 
  • Remove the row from the match grid
  • Remove match grid line item ID and corresponding PO receipting line item ID from your ‘MatchLink’ object.
  • Recalculate the Line items Total for the summary panel.

  • Recalculate PO Receipting line value if deleted match line item linked:

  • GRN

  • PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value To Be Delivered’ – increase by value deleted
  • PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value Delivered’ – decrease by value deleted
  • PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value To Be Invoiced’ – decrease by value deleted
  • PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units To Be Delivered’ – increase by units deleted
  • PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units Delivered’ – decrease by units copied down
  • PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units To Be Invoiced’ – decrease by units deleted


  • PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value To Be Delivered’ – decrease by value deleted
  • PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value Delivered’ – increase by value deleted
  • PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value To Be Invoiced’ – increase by value copied down
  • PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units To Be Delivered’ – decrease by units deleted
  • PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units Delivered’ – increase by units deleted
  • PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units To Be Invoiced’ – increase by units deleted


  • PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value To Be Invoiced’ – increase by value deleted
  • PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value Invoiced’ – decrease by value deleted
  • PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units To Be Invoiced’ – increase by units deleted
  • PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units Invoiced’ – decrease by units deleted


  • PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value To Be Invoiced’ – decrease by value deleted
  • PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value Invoiced’ – increase by value deleted
  • PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units To Be Invoiced’ – decrease by units deleted
  • PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units Invoiced’ – increase by units deleted

  • After deletion the summary values need to be updated based upon the changes to PO receipting

  • The ‘Delivered To Date’ should be updated to the sum of the ValueDelivered column.
  • The ‘Outstanding To Be Delivered’ should be updated to the sum of the ValueToBeDelivered column.
  • The ‘Invoiced To Date’ should be updated to the sum of the ValueInvoiced column.
  • The ‘Outstanding To Be Invoiced’ should be updated to the sum of the ValueToBeInvoiced column.

Link Line Items

This option allows users to link and remove the link between a match grid line item and a PO receipting line item. This is required because in some cases customers will receive supplier invoices where the ‘MatchLink’ field e.g. the product code used on the line items is the suppliers own coding and not the customers.

For example in the above you can see that the customer used ‘Product Code’ 101 and the Supplier ‘10AA’ for the same product. These cannot be automatically linked so the customer requires a method to manually select and link/match the line items.

You must select both a PO Receipting and a match grid line item to link and remove the link. If the user does not select both before clicking the link button display the message:

Link Line Items

  • To link and match line items the user must select a match grid and the PO receipting line item that it wants to link to.

  • When the user presses the ‘Link Line Items’ button if line items are not linked (the ID for the match grid selected row is not in your ‘MatchLinks’ object) they should receive a message:

  • If the user clicks ‘Yes’ first check if there are ‘Units’ available in the selected PO receipting line item.

If the document type is a GRN the ‘Units To Be Delivered’ must be greater than  0 in the selected PO receipting line item.

If the document type is an Invoice the ‘Units To Be Invoiced’ must be greater than 0 in the selected PO receipting line item.

  • If there are units available you then add the ID for the match grid and the PO receipting grid to your ‘MatchLinks’ object.

  • The ‘Status’ for line items matched/linked in the PO receipting and the Match grids should be set to ‘Matched’ (if matching an invoice and the ‘Units To Be Invoiced = 0’ and if matching a GRN and the ‘Units To Be delivered = 0’ then the status of that PO receipting row should be ‘Matched’).

  • Once you have linked the line items you need to update the ‘line items total’ in the summary. If MatchLineItemNet this is set to the sum of the match grids ‘Net’ otherwise it’s the sum of the match grids ‘Total’.

  • If the line items total is not equal to the document total the ‘Match’ & ‘Match & Close Out PO’ should be disabled (unless AllowNotEqualMatch is true).

  • Once you have matched/linked your line items you need to perform the summary and line items calculations to recalculate the PO receipting values now that the lines have been linked i.e. the units and values invoiced (if invoice, credit or debit note) and the units and values delivered (if GRN or Returns) for the PO receipting line item have to be recalculated.

Initially the PO Receipting line item ‘UnitsInvoiced’ are 0.00, ‘UnitsToBeInvoiced’ 1.00, ‘ValueInvoiced’ 0.00 and ‘ValueToBeInvoiced’ 2662.00. The ‘Status’ for both records is ‘Not Matched’ and the summary windows ‘Invoiced To Date’ is 12644.50 and the ‘Outstanding To Be Invoiced’ 2662.00.

After the line items are linked/matched the PO Receipting line item ‘UnitsInvoiced’ are 1.00, ‘UnitsToBeInvoiced’ 0.00, ‘ValueInvoiced’ 2662.00 and ‘ValueToBeInvoiced’ 0.00. The ‘Status’ for both records is also set to ‘Matched’ and the summary windows ‘Invoiced To Date’ is now 15306.50 and the ‘Outstanding To Be Invoiced’ 0.00.

  • GRN

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value To Be Delivered’ – decrease by value in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value Delivered’ – increase by value in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value To Be Invoiced’ – increase by value in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units To Be Delivered’ – decrease by units in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units Delivered’ – increase by units in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units To Be Invoiced’ – increase by units in match grid line item


PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value To Be Delivered’ – increase by value in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value Delivered’ – decrease by value in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value To Be Invoiced’ – decrease by value in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units To Be Delivered’ – increase by units in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units Delivered’ – decrease by units in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units To Be Invoiced’ – decrease by units in match grid line item


PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value To Be Invoiced’ – decrease by value in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value Invoiced’ – increase by value in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units To Be Invoiced’ – decrease by units in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units Invoiced’ – increase by units in match grid line item


PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value To Be Invoiced’ – increase by value in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value Invoiced’ – decrease by value in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units To Be Invoiced’ – increase by units in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units Invoiced’ – decrease by units in match grid line item

  • The summary values need to be updated based upon the changes to PO receipting

The ‘Delivered To Date’ should be updated to the sum of the ValueDelivered column.

The ‘Outstanding To Be Delivered’ should be updated to the sum of the ValueToBeDelivered column.

The ‘Invoiced To Date’ should be updated to the sum of the ValueInvoiced column.

The ‘Outstanding To Be Invoiced’ should be updated to the sum of the ValueToBeInvoiced column.

Remove Line Item Link

  • A user may have mated/linked a match grid and PO receipting line item by mistake and require the functionality to remove the link.

  • When a user selects a line item in the match grid if it is matched/linked with a line item in PO receipting (i.e. the ID is linked to a PO receipting record ID in your ‘MatchLinks’ object) you should automatically select the corresponding PO receipting record.

  • For example in the above screenshot. When the user selects ‘Product Code’ 98563 in the match grid the record for ‘Product Code’ 16 is automatically selected in the PO receipting grid as these are matched records.

  • When the user presses the ‘Link Line Items’ button if line items are linked (the ID for the match grid selected row is in your ‘MatchLinks’ object) they should receive a message:

  • If the users clicks then remove the ID for the selected match grid record and the corresponding entry for the PO receipting record from your ‘MatchLinks’ object.

  • Once you have unmatched/unlinked your line items you need to perform the summary and line items calculations to recalculate the PO receipting values now that the lines are no longer linked i.e. the units and values invoiced (if invoice, credit or debit note) and the units and values delivered (if GRN or Returns) for the PO receipting line item have to be recalculated.

For example in the above screen shot the line items are linked/matched and the PO Receipting line item ‘UnitsInvoiced’ are 1.00, ‘UnitsToBeInvoiced’ 0.00, ‘ValueInvoiced’ 2662.00 and ‘ValueToBeInvoiced’ 0.00. The ‘Status’ for both records is also set to ‘Matched’ and the summary windows ‘Invoiced To Date’ is now 15306.50 and the ‘Outstanding To Be Invoiced’ 0.00.

After the link has been removed the PO Receipting line item ‘UnitsInvoiced’ are 0.00, ‘UnitsToBeInvoiced’ 1.00, ‘ValueInvoiced’ 0.00 and ‘ValueToBeInvoiced’ 2662.00. The ‘Status’ for both records is also set to ‘Not Matched’ and the summary windows ‘Invoiced To Date’ is now 12644.50 and the ‘Outstanding To Be Invoiced’ 2662.00.

  • GRN

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value To Be Delivered’ – increase by value in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value Delivered’ – decrease by value in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value To Be Invoiced’ – decrease by value in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units To Be Delivered’ – increase by units in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units Delivered’ – decrease by units in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units To Be Invoiced’ – decrease by units in match grid line item


PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value To Be Delivered’ – decrease by value in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value Delivered’ – increase by value in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value To Be Invoiced’ – increase by value in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units To Be Delivered’ – decrease by units in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units Delivered’ – increase by units in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units To Be Invoiced’ – increase by units in match grid line item


PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value To Be Invoiced’ – increase by value in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value Invoiced’ – decrease by value in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units To Be Invoiced’ – decrease by units in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units Invoiced’ – decrease by units in match grid line item


PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value To Be Invoiced’ – decrease by value in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Value Invoiced’ – increase by value in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units To Be Invoiced’ – decrease by units in match grid line item

PO Receipting Line Item ‘Units Invoiced’ – increase by units in match grid line item

  • The summary values need to be updated based upon the changes to PO receipting

The ‘Delivered To Date’ should be updated to the sum of the ValueDelivered column.

The ‘Outstanding To Be Delivered’ should be updated to the sum of the ValueToBeDelivered column.

The ‘Invoiced To Date’ should be updated to the sum of the ValueInvoiced column.

The ‘Outstanding To Be Invoiced’ should be updated to the sum of the ValueToBeInvoiced column.

Selecting/Editing/Adding Match Grid Line Items

Add Line Items

  • Users have the ability to manually add new line items to the match grid.

  • In the Adest windows client match grid the first row is for adding a new line item

  • When the user clicks the ‘Add New’ text a new row is created which is populated with any default values set in the field configuration. Any numeric line item field types is populated with 0 if they are not associated with a default value.

  • For example in the above screenshot you can see that in the new line item row the ‘Product Code’ has been auto populated with 90, the ‘VAT Rate’ has been defaulted to 21 and the ‘Status’ srt to Not matched.

  • The ‘Net’, ‘VAT’ and the ‘Total’ columns are read only as the values for these fields are calculated values.

  • Fields which must be selected via a lookup can be populated by selecting the field which will display the lookup icon to be selected.

  • For example line item field ‘Product Code’ has a lookup associated with it. When the user clicks into the ‘Product Code’ cell the lookup button should be displayed and when they click the lookup button the ‘Product Code’ lookup dialog displayed and the lookup results returned to the match grid line item.

  • The ‘Net’, ‘VAT’ and the ‘Total’ for a line item are read-only fields, and automatically calculated based upon the ‘Units’, Unit Price’ and the ‘VAT Rate’ either entered by the user, populated by a lookup or a default value.

If ‘Units’, Unit Price’ or the ‘VAT Rate’ values are changed the line item ‘Net’, ‘VAT’ and the ‘Total’ is recalculated automatically. You can change the units, unit price or VAT rate to effect this vales, but the ‘Net’, ‘VAT’ and the ‘Total’ fields cannot be adjusted directly by the user.

For Example:

The above has 1 Unit at a Price of 10000 with a Vat Rate of 21% which means the Net is automatically set to 10,000, the VAT to 2,100 and the Total to 12,100.

If the Units are changed to 2 the Net should be automatically set to 20000, the VAT to 4200 and the Total to 24100.

  • To ‘commit’ the new line item the user can either press return on the line item when all values have been entered or tab away from the last line item field.

  • Before the new line item is committed the system will check that all mandatory fields are populated. If a field does not meet the ‘MinLen’ that was specified in the configuration associated with the field the message “You must enter at least <MinLen> for field <Field Label>” will be displayed as below. 

  • When a line item is being added you must check for the UseInUniqueCheck line item field flag (you have implemented this in the line item dialog). If the value or combination of values being entered violated the UseInUniqueCheck line item field flag then you should display a message “Field <LineItemField Label has been flagged as unique and value : <Value Entered By User> already exists.”. Do not leave or commit the new row until the user changes the value or presses the <ESC> key to cancel the new row.

  • Once the new line item has been committed the ‘Line Items Total’ in the summary window is updated. The ‘Line Items Total’ is set to the sum of the match grids Net column

If the line items total does not equal the ‘Document Total’ then the ‘Match’ button on your toolbar is disabled.


  • Once the new row is committed the system will automatically check if it matches any of the PO receipting grid rows and perform required calculations (see section Automatically Match Line Items) based upon the line item match field(s) and there being ‘units’ available in a corresponding PO receipting line item (if there is a match with a PO receipting row but there are no ‘units’ available then the line items will not be linked).

  • After committing and adding the new row the new line item is automatically created and the new line item is available for further edits.

  • Use the ‘ESC’ key or click away from the match grid to cancel the new row, only if the new line has not already been committed.

Edit Line Items

  • When a row is selected in the match grid or clicks within a cell in a match grid row the corresponding PO receipting row is highlighted if the match grid row has been linked/matched to a PO receipting row.

For example Product Code 16 is linked. If it is selected in the match grid it should be selected in the PO receipting grid.

  • To edit a line item field’s value click into the cell they want to edit in the match grid.

  • When a field has been selected the existing text should be selected, the row selected and corresponding PO receipting row selected if the line item has been matched with a PO receipting line item.

  • The ‘Net’, ‘VAT’ and the ‘Total’ for the line item should always be read-only and automatically calculated based upon the values in the ‘Units’, Unit Price’ and the ‘VAT Rate’ cells. These values will be either entered by the user, populated by a lookup or a default value. User should never be able to manually edit the ‘Net’, ‘VAT’ or ‘Total’ cells in the match grid.

  • If a line item field is associated with a lookup a user should be able to click the field’s cell, the lookup button should be visible and when the user clicks the lookup button the lookup dialog associated with that field should be launched.

  • If the ‘Units’, Unit Price’ and the ‘VAT Rate’ are modified either by the user or by a lookup results the ‘Net’, ‘VAT, and ‘Total’ should be recalculated.

  • Calculations should be automatically performed as you type.

For example if you change the units from 2 to 2.1 the ‘Net’, ‘VAT, and ‘Total’ should be adjusted accordingly.

  • If a line item is edited the ‘Line Items Total’ in the summary window should be updated:

  • If MatchLineItemNet then the ‘Line Items Total’ should be set to the sum of the match grids Net column.

  • If a line item field is associated with a property in AD_Definition_Field_POMatch that has a MinLen specified the user should not be allowed to move away from that field until the minimum length requirements are satisfied.

  • When a line item is being edited you must check for the UseInUniqueCheck line item field flag (you have implemented this in the line item dialog). If the value or combination of values being entered violated the UseInUniqueCheck line item field flag then you should display a message “Field <LineItemField Label has been flagged as unique and value : <Value Entered By User> already exists.”. The user should not be allowed to move away from that field until they change the value or press the <ESC> key to cancel the edit.

  • A user should be able to use the ‘ESC’ key to revert the current cell back to the cells previous value i.e. if you blank out a cell or change the value and the cursor is still within the cell when you press the ‘ESC’ key the cells value should revert back to the previous value.

  • If a line item in the match grid is edited that is linked to a PO receipting line item, the PO receipting line item values and summary values are updated. This will differ depending upon the document type i.e. for GRN and Returns you are dealing with delivered values and for Invoice, Credit note and debit note you are dealing with invoiced values.

For example:

In the below screen shot ‘Product Code’ 21 is selected in the match grid and has been matched to a PO receipting line item. 

Match Grid Line Item:


Units = 2

Unit Price = 900

Net = 1800

VAT = 378

Total = 2178

Corresponding PO receipting grid Line Item:

UnitsInvoiced = 3 (2 from the current invoice being matched and 1 from a previously matched invoice)

UnitsToBeInvoiced = 0

ValueInvoiced = 3267

ValueToBeInvoiced = 0

Status = ‘Matched’ (As there are 0 UnitsToBeInvoiced)

Summary Values:

Invoiced To Date = 15306.5

Outstanding To Be Invoiced = 0

If you change the Units in the match grid from 2 to 1:

Match Grid Line Item:


Units = 1

Unit Price = 900

Net = 900

VAT = 189

Total = 1089

Corresponding PO receipting grid Line Item:

UnitsInvoiced = 2 (1 from the current invoice being matched and 1 from a previously matched invoice)

UnitsToBeInvoiced = 1

ValueInvoiced = 2178

ValueToBeInvoiced = 1089

Status = ‘Not Matched’ (As there are 1 UnitsToBeInvoiced)

Summary Values:

Invoiced To Date = 14217.5

Outstanding To Be Invoiced = 1089

If the ‘Unit Price’ was changed in the selected match grid line item this would also impact the PO receipting values.

For example:

Match Grid Line Item:


Units = 1

Unit Price = 900

Net = 900

VAT = 189

Total = 1089

Corresponding PO receipting grid Line Item:

UnitsInvoiced = 2 (1 from the current invoice being matched and 1 from a previously matched invoice)

UnitsToBeInvoiced = 1

ValueInvoiced = 2178

ValueToBeInvoiced = 1089

Status = ‘Not Matched’ (As there are 1 UnitsToBeInvoiced)

Summary Values:

Invoiced To Date = 14217.5

Outstanding To Be Invoiced = 1089

If you change the ‘Unit Price’ to 800

Match Grid Line Item:


Units = 1

Unit Price = 800

Net = 800

VAT = 168

Total = 968

Corresponding PO receipting grid Line Item:

UnitsInvoiced = 2 (1 from the current invoice being matched and 1 from a previously matched invoice)

UnitsToBeInvoiced = 1

ValueInvoiced = 1936

ValueToBeInvoiced = 1331

Status = ‘Not Matched’ (As there are 1 UnitsToBeInvoiced)

Summary Values:

Invoiced To Date = 13975.5

Outstanding To Be Invoiced = 1331

PO Receipting Calculations:

This will differ depending upon the document type being matched and edited.

Get Values from PO Receipting LineItem Row

PO Receipting UnitsOrdered

PO Receipting UnitsDelivered

PO Receipting UnitsToBeDelivered

PO Receipting ValueDelivered

PO Receipting ValueToBeDelivered

PO Receipting UnitsInvoiced

PO Receipting UnitsToBeInvoiced

PO Receipting ValueInvoiced

PO Receipting ValueToBeInvoiced

If MatchLineItemNet

PO Receipting Total = PO Receipting NetTotal


PO Receipting Total = PO Receipting Total

Get Values from Match grid LineItem Row

Match row current UnitsOrdered

Match row previous UnitsOrdered

Match row units change (Match row current UnitsOrdered - Match row previous UnitsOrdered)

Match row UnitPrice

Get VatRate if not MatchLineItemNet:

You need to set the VatRate to be used in calculations if MatchLineItemNet is false. 

In some cases this can be taken from the PO receipting line item row but if the PO was created without a VatRate this can be taken from the Match grid line item row. 

If missing from both it can be calculated based upon the VAT and the NetTotal values from the Match grid line item row e.g. vatRate = (documentRow.Item("VAT") / documentRow.Item("NetTotal")) * 100

You also need to set the match grid vat rate regardless to be used below. If VatRate exists and is not empty in the match grid line item row get it from here otherwise calculate it (This is because PO’s and Invoices can be created with different VAT rates).

Get Match Grid Values Based upon Units:

netTotal = Decimal.Round(Units * unitPrice, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)

Get Vat & total is not MatchLineItemNet:

vat = Decimal.Round((netTotal * lineVatRate) / 100, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)

total = Decimal.Round(netTotal + vat, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)

Get Updated PO Receipting Line Item Values based upon document type


  • GRN

unitsDelivered = unitsDelivered + unitChange

    unitsToBeDelivered = unitsOrdered - unitsDelivered

      tmpNet = unitsDelivered * unitPrice

      valueDelivered = tmpNet 

      valueToBeDelivered = Decimal.Round(poNet - valueDelivered, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)

unitsToBeInvoiced = unitsToBeInvoiced + unitChange

      tmpNet = unitsToBeInvoiced * unitPrice

valueToBeInvoiced = tmpNet 


unitsDelivered = unitsDelivered - unitChange

      unitsToBeDelivered = unitsOrdered + unitsDelivered

         tmpNet = unitsDelivered * unitPrice

         valueDelivered = tmpNet                     

valueToBeDelivered = Decimal.Round(poNet - valueDelivered, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)

         unitsToBeInvoiced = unitsToBeInvoiced + unitChange

         tmpNet = unitsToBeInvoiced * unitPrice

         valueToBeInvoiced = tmpNet 


unitsInvoiced = unitsInvoiced + unitChange

         unitsToBeInvoiced = unitsOrdered - unitsInvoiced

         tmpNet = unitsInvoiced * unitPrice

         valueInvoiced = tmpNet

 valueToBeInvoiced = Decimal.Round(poNet - valueInvoiced, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)


unitsInvoiced = unitsInvoiced - unitChange

         unitsToBeInvoiced = unitsOrdered - unitsInvoiced

         tmpNet = unitsInvoiced * unitPrice

         valueInvoiced = tmpNet           

valueToBeInvoiced = Decimal.Round(poNet - valueInvoiced, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)

Not MatchLineItemNet

  • GRN

 unitsDelivered = unitsDelivered + unitChange

  unitsToBeDelivered = unitsOrdered - unitsDelivered

  tmpNet = unitsDelivered * unitPrice

  tmpVat = Decimal.Round((tmpNet * vatRate) / 100, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)

  tmpTotal = Decimal.Round(tmpNet + tmpVat, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)

  valueDelivered = tmpTotal 

  valueToBeDelivered = Decimal.Round(poTotal - valueDelivered, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)

  unitsToBeInvoiced = unitsToBeInvoiced + unitChange

  tmpNet = unitsToBeInvoiced * unitPrice

  tmpVat = Decimal.Round((tmpNet * vatRate) / 100, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)

  tmpTotal = Decimal.Round(tmpNet + tmpVat, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)

           valueToBeInvoiced = tmpTotal


unitsDelivered = unitsDelivered - unitChange

    unitsToBeDelivered = unitsOrdered + unitsDelivered

    tmpNet = unitsDelivered * unitPrice

    tmpVat = Decimal.Round((tmpNet * vatRate) / 100, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)

    tmpTotal = Decimal.Round(tmpNet + tmpVat, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)

    valueDelivered = tmpTotal 

    valueToBeDelivered = Decimal.Round(poTotal - valueDelivered, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)

    unitsToBeInvoiced = unitsToBeInvoiced + unitChange

    tmpNet = unitsToBeInvoiced * unitPrice

    tmpVat = Decimal.Round((tmpNet * vatRate) / 100, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)

    tmpTotal = Decimal.Round(tmpNet + tmpVat, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)

    valueToBeInvoiced = tmpTotal 


unitsInvoiced = unitsInvoiced + unitChange

    unitsToBeInvoiced = unitsOrdered - unitsInvoiced

    tmpNet = unitsInvoiced * unitPrice

    tmpVat = Decimal.Round((tmpNet * vatRate) / 100, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)

    tmpTotal = Decimal.Round(tmpNet + tmpVat, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)

    valueInvoiced = tmpTotal 

    valueToBeInvoiced = Decimal.Round(poTotal - valueInvoiced, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)


                   unitsInvoiced = unitsInvoiced - unitChange

                   unitsToBeInvoiced = unitsOrdered - unitsInvoiced

                   tmpNet = unitsInvoiced * unitPrice

                   tmpVat = Decimal.Round((tmpNet * vatRate) / 100, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)

                   tmpTotal = Decimal.Round(tmpNet + vat, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)

                   valueInvoiced = tmpTotal 

                   valueToBeInvoiced = Decimal.Round(poTotal - valueInvoiced, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)


Variances are required to allow for differences between the PO and invoice, credit note or debit note values. These could be due to price increase/decrease, rounding differences, discounts, VAT changes, shipping charges ect from when the PO was generated by the customer to when the supplier invoice was generated .

Variance buttons is onlyenabled if the document type being matched is an invoice or credit note.

Add Document Variance

  • Adds a document variance i.e. this type of variance is not linked to a selected line item. For example an overall discount and not just a discount related to a particular product.

  • When the user clicks the ‘Add Document Variance’ button the variance dialog is displayed.

  • The user selects the ‘Variance Type’ from the variance combo and populates the additional variance dialog fields.

  • The fields can be populated manually, via a lookup or auto calculated.

  • If the user has ticked ‘Apply variance to receipting only’ the variance is only added to the PO receipting grid and the PO receipting summary values recalculated otherwise the variance is added to both the PO receipting and match grids, and the summary values related to both are recalculated.

For Example ‘Apply variance to receipting only’ – ticked

Before Variance Added:

After Variance Added:

  • When you add the ‘Discount’ variance it is added to the PO receipting grid only. The summary ‘Invoiced To Date’ and ‘Outstanding To Be Invoiced’ values is adjusted by the variance amount.

For Example ‘Apply variance to receipting only’ – Not ticked

Before Variance Added:

After Variance Added:

  • When you add the ‘Discount’ variance it is added to both the PO receipting grid and match grid. The summary ‘Line Item Total’, ‘Invoiced To Date’ and ‘Outstanding To Be Invoiced’ values is adjusted by the variance amount.

Add Line Item Variance

  • Loads the variance dialog and adds a variance to the selected line item.

  • The user must select a line item from the ‘match’ grid to associate the line item variance with.

  • If the user has not selected a line item from the match grid they should receive the following message when they click the ‘Add Line Item Variance’ button.

  • The variance dialog should be loaded 

  • The user selects the ‘Variance Type’ from the variance combo and populates the additional variance dialog fields.

  • The fields can be populated manually, via a lookup or auto calculated.

  • When you add a line item variance if ‘Apply variance to receipting only’ is Not ticked it is added to both the PO receipting grid and match grid. The summary ‘Line Item Total’, ‘Invoiced To Date’ and ‘Outstanding To Be Invoiced’ values is adjusted by the variance amount.

  • When you add a line item variance if ‘Apply variance to receipting only’ is ticked it is added to the PO receipting grid only. The summary ‘Invoiced To Date’ and ‘Outstanding To Be Invoiced’ values is adjusted by the variance amount.

Add Line Price Variance

  • Automatically adds a price variance to the selected line item if there is a difference between the unit price for the match grid line item and corresponding PO receipting line item.

  • You can only add an auto price variance if the match grid line item has been linked to a PO receipting line item, and if there is a difference in the unit price.

  • If there is not a difference in the unit price the following message box is displayed:

  • If there is a price difference like below:

  • The system will automatically calculate weather there is a price increase or decrease variance. The Unit Price for the selected match grid line item is used against the Unit Price for the selected PO receipting grid line item. If the match grid unit price is greater than the PO receipting unit price the variance is a ‘Price Increase’ otherwise it’s a ‘Price Decrease’. The variance amount is calculated based on the match grid unit price minus the PO receipting unit price amount.

  • An Auto Price variance line item is added to the PO receipting grid only.

  • The product code column is set to either ‘Price Increase – ‘ or ‘Price decrease – ‘ and the same value as appears for that column in the selected record in the match grid e.g. ‘Price Increase – 10’ where 10 is the ‘Product Code’.

  • The summary ‘Invoiced To Date’ and ‘Outstanding To Be Invoiced’ values is adjusted by the variance amount.

Add Rounding Variance

  • Automatically adds a ‘Rounding Increase’ or ‘Rounding Decrease’ variance if the match grid line item total does not match the document total within a rounding limit specified in configuration.

  • This can occur when using the copy functionality to copy line items from the PO receipting to the match grid and the system that created the PO has rounded values differently to the system that created the Invoice or vice versa.

  • If there is not difference between the line item total and the document total display the following message when the button is clicked.

  • If there is a difference between the line item total and the document total and the difference is within a rounding limit specified in configuration then the variance is added to the match grid.

  • If the line item total is greater than the document total it is a ‘Rounding Decrease’ variance and the variance amount is the match grid line item total minus the document total. 

  • If the document total is greater than the line item total it is a ‘Rounding Increase’ variance and the variance amount is the document total minus the match grid line item total. 

  • An auto Discount variance line item is added to both the Match grid and the PO receipting grid.

  • The column for the line item field that has the ID set in the ‘VarianceFieldID’ column in AD_Definition_PurchaseOrder_Match is set to either ‘Rounding Increase‘ or ‘Rounding Decrease‘.

  • The po receipting line item ‘Comments’ column must be set to the variance amount and ‘Rounding <Decrease or Increase> added in the matching module’

  • You should add a link between the new auto rounding variance rows in the match and the PO receipting grid to your ‘MatchLinks’ object.

  • The summary ‘Invoiced To Date’ and ‘Outstanding To Be Invoiced’ values should be adjusted by the variance amount and also the summary line items total.

Delete Variance

  • Deletes the selected variance for either the PO receipting and the corresponding line item if there is one from the match grid.

  • The ‘Delete Variance’ button should only be enabled if a variance line item is selected in the PO receipting grid.

Disabled as variance line item not selected:

Enabled as variance line item selected:

  • The column with the VarianceFieldID specified in AD_Definition_PurchaseOrder_Variancewill contain a value that matches a variance name defined in AD_Definition_PurchaseOrder_Variance.

  • When the user clicks the ‘Delete Variance’ button you should display a message box:

  • If the user clicks ‘No’ exit the function and do nothing.

  • If the user click ‘Yes’:

  • Check if the selected PO receipting variance line item is linked to one in the match grid.
  • If there is a corresponding variance in the match grid then delete this row.
  • Delete the selected variance from the PO receipting grid.

  • The summary ‘Invoiced To Date’ and ‘Outstanding To Be Invoiced’ values should be adjusted by the deleted variance amount and also the summary line items total.

Building Variance Dialog

  • The variance dialog allows users to manually add different variance types.

  • Available variances are defined in the AD_Definition_PurchaseOrder_Variance table.

  • When loading the dialog you must set a flag to let it know if when you first loaded the PO matching module there were line items in the match grid. If there were line items in the match grid when the module first loaded (i.e. not copied down or manually added) then make sure the ‘Apply variance to receipting only’ is selected by default otherwise unselect it by default.

  • When loading the dialog you must set a flag to let it know if it is a document or line item variance i.e. was the line item or document variance button clicked.

  • Ensure field type rules as implemented in other modules are adhered to i.e. only type numeric values into numeric fields. 

  • Line Item Variance 

  • If the user is adding a line item variance.
  • Check that the line item selected is not a variance and if it is display the following message box and exit the function.

Price Increase Variance Line Item Selected:

  • If a non variance line item is selected continue and pass the selected line item values to the dialog. These values will be used to populate corresponding line item fields which are added to the variance dialog.
  • Dialog caption should be “Add Variance To Selected Line Item’
  • Load the variance combo field which should contain all values with  ‘LineItem’ true in the AD_Definition_PurchaseOrder_Variance table

  • Populate any line item fields added to the dialog with the corresponding value from the line item row passed to the dialog. Excluding the mandatory variance dialog fields listed further down.

  • Document Variance

  • Dialog caption should be “Add Variance To Document’
  • Load the variance combo field which should contain all values with  ‘Header’ true in the AD_Definition_PurchaseOrder_Variance table
  • Any line item fields which have a LookupID associated with them should have the lookup button displayed within the field (only for document variances)

  • The mandatory line item fields for the variance dialog are:

  • Net or Net Total (Depending upon how it is labelled in AD_Definition_Field_LineItem)
  • Vat Rate
  • Vat
  • Total
  • Comments

  • The following line item fields should be excluded from the variance dialog as they will be auto populated by other values set in the dialog when created (i.e. never display these line item fields on the variance dialog):

  • Product Code
  • Product Description
  • Units Ordered
  • Unit Price
  • Status

  • Loop through you line item fields defined in AD_Definition_Field_LineItem that have the LineItemID for your current category. If the field is a mandatory variance dialog field (as listed above) or has a POMatchPropID associated with an entry in AD_Definition_Field_POMatch with ‘Variance’ then add the line item field to the dialog. Never add any of the fields in the excluded list to the dialog

  • Default the variance type pull down to the first one in the list.

  • All variances defined in the AD_Definition_PurchaseOrder_Variance table have a VATRateMenuID specified. This links to a MenuID in AD_Definition_Field_Menu and the items associated with this menu should be loaded into the Vat Rate pull down.

  • All variances have a default vat rate associated with them in the AD_Definition_PurchaseOrder_Variance table. When the variance type is changed the Vat Rate field in the dialog should be set to the default vat rate for that variance type.

  • Variance Dialog Calculations:

  • If you enter or modify the Net the Total and VAT should be re-calculated based upon the new Net and the VAT Rate.
  • If you modify the Vat Rate the VAT and Total should be re-calculated based upon the Net and the new VAT Rate.
  • If you enter or modify the Total the VAT and NET should be recalculated based upon the new total and the VAT rate.

  • When the user clicks OK you must build the line item row for PO receipting grid always and the match grid only if ‘Apply to po receipting only is not ticked’.

  • Ensure the same variance has not been previously added based upon the variance name e.g. ‘Discount’. If it has display the message below and exit the function:

  • If the Variance selected has ‘IncreaseValue’ set to true in AD_Definition_PurchaseOrder_Variance positive values are returned, and set in the variance line item for Unit Price Net, Vat, Total and ValueInvoiced (apply to po receipting only ticked) or ValueToBeInvoiced (apply to po recveipting only not ticked) otherwise negative values are set.

  • Setting Variance Row Values for Document Variance

  • The line item field (e.g. Product Code) that has the ID set in the ‘VarianceFieldID’ column in AD_Definition_PurchaseOrder_Match should have its value set to the variance selected.
  • Set the Units Ordered to 1
  • Set the Unit Price to the NET value entered in the variance dialog
  • Set the NET to the NET value entered in the variance dialog
  • Set the VAT to the VAT value value entered in the variance dialog
  • Set the Vat Rate to the Vat Rate value entered in the variance dialog
  • Set the Total to the Total value entered in the variance dialog
  • If ‘apply po receipting only’ selected
    • In the po receipting grid set the UnitsToBeInvoiced to 1
    • In the po receipting grid set the ValueToBeInvoiced to the Total
    • Set UnitsInvoiced & ValueInvoiced to 0

  • ‘apply po receipting only’ not selected
    • In the po receipting grid set the UnitsInvoiced to 1
    • In the po receipting grid set the ValueInvoiced to the Total
    • Set UnitsToBeInvoiced & ValueToBeInvoiced to 0

  • Set the comments to the comments entered in the variance dialog
  • Set the status to ‘Matched’
  • Recalculate the summary values

  • Setting Variance Row Values for Line Item Variance

If ‘apply po receipting only’ selected use units ordered and other values from the PO receipting selected line otherwise use the values from the selected match grid line.

  • The line item field (e.g. Product Code) that has the ID set in the ‘VarianceFieldID’ column in AD_Definition_PurchaseOrder_Match should have its value set to the variance selected and the field value e.g. ‘Exceis Duties – 18’.
  • Set the Units Ordered to the selected line items units ordered.
  • Set the Unit Price to the NET value entered in the variance dialog
  • Set the NET to the NET value entered in the variance dialog * the Units Ordered
  • Set the Vat Rate to the Vat Rate value entered in the variance dialog
  • Calculate the VAT value based upon the Net and the Vat Rate
  • Set the Total to Net + VAT
  • If ‘apply po receipting only’ selected
    • In the po receipting grid set the UnitsToBeInvoiced to the selected line items units ordered.
    • In the po receipting grid set the ValueToBeInvoiced to the Total
    • Set UnitsInvoiced & ValueInvoiced to 0

  • ‘apply po receipting only’ not selected
    • In the po receipting grid set the UnitsInvoiced to the selected line items units ordered.
    • In the po receipting grid set the ValueInvoiced to the Total
    • Set UnitsToBeInvoiced & ValueToBeInvoiced to 0

  • Set the comments to the comments entered in the variance dialog
  • Set the status to ‘Matched’
  • Recalculate the summary values


  • When a user clicks the ‘Match’ button this function updates the main criteria status to ‘Matched’. This button is active when the Document Total and Line Items Total is equal.

  • If the ‘Outstanding To Be Invoiced’ value is greater than 0 then the following message box is displayed:

“There is : <outstanding to be invoiced amount> outstanding to be invoiced for this PO. Are you sure you want to match this invoice (i.e. is partial invoicing allowed)?”

Select No to not proceed with the matching so that no further action is applied.

When the user clicks the ‘Match’ or ‘Match & Close Out PO’ if no match grid lines have been linked to PO receipting display the message below:

If the user clicks ‘No’ exit the function allowing the user to match/link line items.

If the user clicks ‘Yes’ continue on with the ‘Match’ or ‘Match & Close Out PO’ process. In some customer scenarios they don’t match/link some invoices to po receipting lines but will change line item data in the match grid and want to save this and have the status set to ‘Matched’

  • The main record ‘Status’ and ‘Match Status’ fields is updated to matched.

  • Once the match and update has completed:

  • Automatically switch back to the Adest Web Retrieve module. 

  • The records that were previously loaded in the search results grid should be still loaded

  • The match record will be highlighted in green if successful and red if an error occurred during updating.

‘Not Matched’ Record Selected In Retrieve:

Record ‘Matched’ and matching module automatically returns to retrieve:

Match & Close Out PO

  • When a user clicks the ‘Match & Close Out PO’ button this performs the same action as the ‘Match’ button but once the match has completed it ‘Closes Out’ the PO information so that no more additional documents can be matched against the PO information.

  • When the user clicks the button they are prompted “Are you sure that you want to Match and CLOSE Out the PO? There is <outstanding value to be invoiced> for this PO. If you close this PO no additional documents can be matched against it.”

  • If the user clicks ‘Yes’ the process should continue exactly as it did in the ‘Match’ section but before switching back to the retrieve module.


  • When a user clicks the ‘Save’ button this performs the same action as the ‘Match’ button excluding the update of the criteria ‘Status’ and ‘Match Status’ fields to ‘Matched. 

  • This allows users to save their matching module change without actually setting the document to ‘Matched’. 

  • The user can then come back at a later stage and finish matching the document.

  • Does not automatically exit the module when the save is complete.

Close Out PO

  • When a user clicks the ‘Close Out PO’ button this ‘Closes Out’ the PO information so that no more additional documents can be matched against the PO information.

  • When the user clicks the button they should be prompted “Are you sure that you want to CLOSE Out the PO? There is <outstanding value to be invoiced> for this PO. If you close this PO no additional documents can be matched against it.”

Exit PO Match Module

  • Exits the PO matching module and returns to the retrieve module.

Matching Module QUB Buttons

  • A QUB button group can be made available in the matching module. 

This allows users to update the main criteria record from the matching module.

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