Adest V5 User Manual

Adest V5 User Manual







Creation of a new batch folder

To create a new batch folder, highlight the Public Batch and click into the Batch Name text bar. Type in the name of the new folder to be created and hit enter. A new batch folder will be created in the batch list

Setting scanning properties on a new batch folder

Right click on the folder and click on the button for Properties. Open the scan tab.

Scan settings

  • Resolution: The image quality and file size. This is recommended to be set to 300 
  • Page Size: The dimensions of the page. This is recommended to be se to NONE as this will dynamically adjust based on the size of the document being scanned.
  • File Format: Can be set to Tiff or PDF file format
  • Source: The method of scanning. This can be set to feeder, flatbed or duplex (scans both sides of the document)
  • Colour Format: This can be set to Black and White, Colour or Grayscale. It’s recommended to scan in Black and White as standard and change to Colour only when required.
  • Brightness: The brightness of the image after scanning. This should be adjusted to user’s preference to get the best quality.
  • Contrast: The contrast of the image after scanning. This should be adjusted to user’s preference to get the best quality.

To scan select the folder that is to be scanned in and click on the Scan & Append button

This will scan after the last page in the batch. If it’s required to scan after a certain page in the batch click on the dropdown button on the Scan button and select the option for Scan & Insert. 

Select the page in the batch folder that you wish to scan after and then click on the Scan & Insert folder.

A scan preview screen will appear on screen

This will give the users a preview of the images before committing to the batch folder. Continue will allow the user to scan more documents before committing the files to the batch folder. Commit will send the files to the batch folder. Cancel will cancel the scanning process and prevent the files from writing to the batch folder.


Setting Index properties on the batch folder:

Right click on the folder and click on the button for Properties and then open the Index tab.

  • Automatic Indexing Properties: If using barcodes for indexing select the entry in the dropdown for the category that’s being indexed to.
  • Move File(s) on Index: Tick to move the file from the batch at indexing. If this isn’t ticked a copy of the file will remain in the batch after indexing.
  • Prompt on Index: Tick this to receive a prompt confirming indexing every time an index is taking place.
  • Auto-Select: The options to set the automatic selection of documents on index. Fixed will select the number of files chosen in the Document(s) option below. Blank Page Detection will select until the first blank page in the batch. Patch Page Selection will select up to the first patch page in the batch.
  • Ignore Batch Naming Convention: Ticking this option will load all files in the batch folder regardless of the name of the files. It’s recommended that this is ticked.
  • Prompt to delete: On indexing of the last file in the batch folder the user is prompted to delete.
  • Automatically delete when empty: On indexing of the last file in the batch folder the batch folder is automatically deleted.
  • Merge options: Merging of files at the time of index.

Indexing process:

The option to select the category to be indexed on the very left-hand side of the ribbon. If a different category is required, click on the arrow below the category name and select the required category.

On selection of the category several fields will be automatically populated based on default values. These default values are:

If available you can use a lookup to populate multiple fields. This will be indicated by a magnifying glass on the right hand side of the text box

When you click on that button you will get the window below

Type the value that you want to filter by into the relevant field and an automatic search will occur. Select the entry in the grid with the required details and then click on the OK button. These values will then be automatically assigned to the fields in the index module.

Once you have filled in the details that you require for the new record ensure that the files are ticked in the viewer 

Click on the index button in the ribbon

If you have enabled the prompt on index you will get the message below.

Click yes to confirm index and a message will then pop up to confirm successful indexing

To barcode index, right click on the batch and then click on Process Now

You will get a message saying that batch processing has started and a magnifying glass will appear on the batch folder.


Populate the criteria that you want to search by (to do a wildcard search wrap the character strings with %’s eg. %abc%)

If you click on the equals symbol on the field you will see a list of alternative searches you can do on a field.

Click on the search button in the ribbon

The results will load in the Search Reults grid and the top record will automatically load in the viewer.

You can change the layout of this screen. You can change the size of the various windows by clicking and holding on the edges and dragging until the window is the required size. To change the window position click and hold on the blue bar at the top of the window and drag it onto the arrowed boxes that appear on screen. When you hover over the box you will get a preview. Release the click to make the change.

If you want to hide a window you can click on the pin icon in the top right hand corner of the screen. This will then minimise the window unless you hover the mouse over it. To have it as a static window again click on the pin again when the window is on screen.

To reset to the default layout layout click on the icon in the bottom right hand corner of the screen and click on Reset Layout

To select a different document within the record select the record within the document list tab at the bottom of the viewer. You can change the description on the files by clicking on the description and then clicking on it a second time.

If you wish to add a marker on the file highlight the file and then press CRTL and a number between 1 and 5 to add a symbol to the file on the document list.

The Document History tab contains the history of the record including Index and Update details, the times of these actions and the user that carry out these actions.

The Notes/Popup tab allows you to assign a note or a popup to the document. 

To add the Note/Popup click on the dropdown beside the plus symbol and select the addition you want to make.

In the text box that pops up type in the text you want in the popup/note and then click on the save button

When you then load the document in the viewer the popup will appear. Note that if you want the popup to load on the loading of the record you need to add this to the first document.

To update the criteria of the records right click on the record in the grid and then click on the update button. You can also select multiple records and do a group update as well.

This will load a grid with the criteria. Make the required changes and click on the update button.

The grid can be filtered by criteria field by clicking on the field label at the top of the grid and dragging it up to the bar above.

Ribbon buttons

The ribbons are split into separate sections with the relevant buttons


Shows the category currently open and allows the user to switch categories


Contains the search button and the search templates. When you click on the dropdown arrow beside Search Template you will see any existing templates that are set up.

To add a search template click on Manage

Click on New

Type in the name of the new search template and select the category. Select the field from the dropdown and then type in the value or select from the dropdown. If another field is required in the template click on the plus button. To add this template as a button on the ribbon tick the options for “Create search template as a button” and “Create button on home tab”. If there’s a requirement to have this search occur automatically on the user logging in tick the option for Auto-run


Contains the options for clearing all criteria, copying the criteria and pasting cached criteria

Grid Navigation

Contains the buttons for loading the next/previous set of records in the grid (the binoculars) and the buttons for loading the next/previous entry in the grid (the grids)


Contains the buttons for actions on the grid. The actions are updating the grid entries, printing the grid, emailing the records and their documents and attaching a file to a highlighted record.

On clicking on the attach button, a Windows Explorer screen will appear. Browse to the file that’s to be attached, select the file and click on Open.

The file will then be shown in the selection screen. You can edit the description by clicking into it and typing a new description. Highlight the file and click OK to attach. If you don’t want to delete the original file(s) from Windows ensure that the “Delete files after attaching” isn’t selected. To remove the file from this window click on the red X at the top. To attach more files click on the paper clip.


Contains the buttons for performing actions on the document loaded in the viewer. The actions are print the document, email the document, launch the document in it’s default application and launch the collation module

Under the Viewer options tab there are further options in relation to the viewing of documents.

Page Thumbnails: If a document is a multipage document this will load thumbnails for each page at the side of the viewer.

Annotations: will allow you to add stamps or highlights onto the page

Save: Will allow you to save any changes to the page (including rotation of the image)

There are various zoom options. Zoom region will allow you to highlight a section on the page for a closer zoom in. There is a dropdown menu on the zoom buttons so you can select the angle of rotation.

To index an email or a Word/Excel document click on the Index button at the top of the screen.

A window will load giving the option to select the files to index. Any signature images can be removed at this point.

Once the files are selected click OK. Fill out the criteria as normal and click Index to index the record to Adest.

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